Hello Dear Reader,
I must say that I'm still feeling really good from yesterday's run. No pain. No stiffness/soreness. Good to go! A little after hours stretching would help though. This morning, after my workout with Mad-dog Trainer, I could barely touch my toes while standing up. During my weeks with New (old) Trainer, the goal (his, not mine) is for me to be able to touch my head to my knees (yeah, right!).
Today's exercise routine focused on the upper back, shoulders, triceps, biceps and all of the other arm muscles in there! I can definitely tell that I'm getting stronger. Some of the arm exercises I was barely able to do in the beginning are becoming much easier. I just had to open my big mouth and say that to Mad-dog...we'll be increasing the reps and the weights. It's all for the sake of fitness. I guess it won't kill me, right? And if I do eventually become that female body builder that New (old) Trainer secretly plans on and the "Ms Fitness Lesotho" that Mad-dog openly admitted to wanting to prepare me for post marathon...well, another goal to work towards...I guess!
If the goodness of yesterday's run and the sense that I'm getting stronger wasn't enough, the good vibes just kept on coming! Today, I went to a meeting that was followed by a catered lunch. Most of the food was fried and steeped in oil so I did my best to stay away from it (a few chicken nuggets won't hurt!). I told my co-worker (who always used to enjoy commenting on my weight) that I was going to skip the buffet and walk back to the office to eat my packed lunch. She convinced me to stay a while longer so that she could finish lunch. While sitting at the table discussing the content of the meeting, she said, "I know why you don't want to eat this lunch! You don't want to interrupt all of the progress you've made with your running. Today I saw you in your dress and said 'Wow, something is definitely happening!' You're looking really good!" Now Dear Reader, I know that, in the end, it doesn't matter what people say/think, but it sure does feel nice when it's not only me noticing the changes!
The dress she was referring to is in my regular rotation, so it provides a great marker for the changes my body has and is going through. I've actually had this dress for ages. When I first got it...I hated it...and it was way too big. A few years later, after very irregular use, it started looking a bit houte. A couple of years later...it was not so houte...but snug...definitely! Over the past few months of training, I've been geeked to notice/see the changes in the way the dress fits. A few months ago, lumps and bumps were visible. My finger tips should have been tingling with the loss in circulation to my arms...can we say "too tight"! Today, there is actually a bit of slack in the arms and the unnecessary lumps and bumps...no more (almost)!
Well, that's enough ego stroking for one day. It just feels so good to see results from my time spent as a gym rat. In the past, I've never been patient enough to notice any real improvement (in mind or body). Overall, I'm more proud of myself that I've actually been sticking with my workout plan...something I've never done before...nor have I even really had a plan to speak of. So, Dear Reader, if you're getting frustrated because the changes/results aren't coming quickly enough...keep at it...stick with it...hang in there...because you'll get there!
Until next time...one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in training,
P.S. I have to pay the "keep it up motivation" forward to you, Dear Reader, but also to a few of my friends who are making their own fitness/healthy lifestyle/weight loss/good body strides:
Keep it up Dave!
I'll call you 6k Linesiya after your run!
Walk it out Jessy Wessy!
Mom, I know it's cold and windy, but you need to go for your walk!
FTTE, how's our challenge coming along?
Dad, did you take your evening constitution around Tokyo?
1, 2, 3...YOGA! Jami, you go girl!
P.S.S. And if you need a little motivation for getting off of the couch...read this NY Times article...there's a section for the Couch Potatoes!
P.S.S.S. And if you want to plan/map out a walking/running route, check out www.mapmyrun.com
P.S.S.S.S And if you want to read more current posts, click here!
Going for Goal
January is that time of year that we celebrate closing the chapter of the
prior year and eagerly pursue the…
The post Going for Goal appeared first on Bl...
3 years ago
Lol. I had this amazing pre-run breakfast and then waited too long so I had to refuel pre-run.... I'm heading out in 5. Had some awesome news and all I can think is "I can't wait to RUN on the high!"
Hold off on the name-calling til I reach 10k! Then I'll have warranted it :-p
Keep up the good work!
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