Monday, December 13, 2010

Tis the Season

Hello Dear Reader,

Tis the season to be jolly, reflect on the past year and set goals for the new year. I'm working on the jolly part and I'm not ready to reflect just yet, but I sure do have a few preliminary running goals for 2011, at least for the first quarter. Whilst watching my favorite movie "Coming to America", with my feet propped up and iced, I got the idea of entering a few more races between now and the BIG DAY. Although the Ficksburg Cherry race was a great start, I'd like try my (feet) hand at other events...just to get used to the whole race-day climate, varied running conditions, etc.

By the way, if you happen to be in Southern Africa at some point and want to get involved in races this side, check out this Runner's Guide to races taking place throughout the region (primarily South Africa). After taking a quick look at the race schedule, this is what I've come up with so far:
  • New Years Day- New Year 10k & 5k at the Pretoria Botanical Gardens- What a good way to kick off 2011! I'll sign up for the 10k.
  • February 5th- Sasol 1/2 Marathon at the de Villers Stadium in Bloemfontein
  • or (my personal favorite)- February 12th- Drakenstein Correctional "Freedom 27 km" at the Drakenstein Prison...I personally get a kick out of the irony of the name and location!
Since this issssssss the season after all, have you started to/already set goals for 2011? Do you have any health/exercise specific goals?

In addition to identifying potential races, and continuing to prepare my mind and body for the Publix Georgia Marathon, I've started thinking of the "what next"? What are my running/exercise goals once the marathon has been completed? There are 9 more months of 2011 to attend to after all. As much as it seems as though I'm set in a good running routine, I'm not crazy enough to think that I don't need a running-related goal to work towards. 2011 clearly won't be planned out today, and it would help to get March 2011 under my belt before committing April through December, but it certainly doesn't hurt to start thinking about it.

As far as my countdown goal for the next 96 days (until the GA marathon) goes:

96: run 10 k (weather permitting)
95: strength training (repeat of 98)
94: run 5 k

Well, that's all I have for now. Oh, and if you'd like to share some of your 2011 fitness/health goals and/or suggestions for my pavement pounding playlist, I'd love to hear them! A BIG THANK YOU goes to my friend Dave for his playlist add!

Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in training,



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