I clearly underestimated the power of my vacation! Time spent with my parents was surreal. It was as if I had been transported from business as usual to a magical fairly land full of love, beautiful things, and great food. For two weeks straight, I talked about running (sorry parents) from sun up to sun down, however only managed to run 4 (approximately 30 minutes each) times. The remaining 334 hours were spent doing everything but running... Meh, I was on vacation, right? Right? Wrong! As a result of my shift in focus, getting back to my normal routine has been a struggle...a struggle to get out of bed before 7am...a struggle to talk myself into running...a struggle...a struggle...a struggle. You get the point.
This morning I willed myself out of bed because I made a promise to an out of town guest to fit in a pre-work run. Because I knew that she only had 30 minutes available, I was able to run a good 5k before it was time to meet up. 5k...a distance that, in the beginning, seemed a marathon in and of itself, with training and preparation, became a walk in the park. Yes, well about the 5k (and then some) this morning...torture. Surprisingly, I wasn't very tired physically, but rather mentally/emotionally drained...as if I somehow lost hold of the extreme/intense focus I have been able to maintain to keep me excited about each stride. On top of that, my running buddy and I talked the whole way (you know how I feel about running partners) and my jazzy pink iPod was not there to keep me on beat/allow my mind to zone out. Bleh...
Today was the first day back to pavement pounding...officially flipping the "closed" sign on the door to "open for business". Good thing is that tomorrow is a new day...and with a new day comes a new (and longer) run. Soon enough, that dogged focus and my (at times) embarrassingly strong ego (if I quit now, I'll feel lame so I have to sort myself out) will get me back to where I need to be...running 15 miles (24k) this weekend. Technically, according to my training plan (which I've barely stuck to), I was supposed to run 17 miles last Sunday, but it seems as though I have exactly 100 days (a little over 14 weeks away), allowing me to take my time building up to 26.2 miles.
Whew...back to work!

Until next time...one foot in front of the other (I'm trying!)...keep it movin'!
Yours in (refocusing) training,
P.S.: Can you relate to the feeling? Vacation hangover making it difficult to get back to reality?
Can completely relate. But it'll come back to you if you keep running after it. (sorry for the bad pun)
I'm on the verge of letting myself move indoors for the winter... not sure I can justify it, I just hate the cold!
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