Thursday, January 6, 2011

Monsoons and other natural (and unnatural) events

Hello Dear Reader,

As promised, through monsoons and other forms of rain-related natural disasters, I've been running. Before I start rambling on about the running, I really have to emphasize that the rain I speak about isn't "normal rain". The type of ran that leaves you hopping over a puddle or two. I'm talking about waterfalls and community swimming pools forming down hills and in the middle of streets. Rain that gives both middle fingers to umbrellas. Rocks tumbling off of mountain sides. Mud that takes shoes hostage. No exaggeration.

I digress.

Yesterday evening, Mother Nature took pity on me and my holiday season gut and held off on the torrential downpour just in time for me to fit in my daily run. Initially, I thought I wouldn't have such luck so I sat back on the couch and started to gchat with my BFF. Every once in a while, I'd look outside, expecting to see rain, but nothing. Whaaa? I said to BFF, "BFF, I'm feeling a bit fat and I really need to run." BFF, with his Wizard of Oz-type wisdom said, "Well then do it". So...I did.

One full hour of running, although not enough to make up for the past month's slack off, felt so freaking good! Good, minus the fact that I could actually feel my midsection bouncing along with me (not a good look). None-the-less, I ran a full lap around the entire central business district. At one point, a guy I've been trying to avoid for the longest pulled up next to me in his car and actually attempted to hold a conversation with me. Umm? At another point on the journey, I began to smell a delicious kind of smell (spicy grilled chicken from Nando's) floating towards me for approximately 10 minutes before I ran passed the restaurant itself. True self control (and the fact that I had no cash in hand) was my only saving grace from not taking a snack break. A snack break which would have morphed into a short nap break...perhaps in the restaurant. My former Peace Corps days have prevented me from being ashamed of taking part in such activities or from feeling shame at all in taking care of my baseline needs. Sad, I know. The rest of the run was perfect. I ran past the gym and gave it a quick nod out of respect for our past relationship and kept moving. Don't get me wrong, I do miss Spin classes, staring at gym hotties, and funny conversations with Mad-Dog Trainer and New (old) Trainer, but there is something very special about the focus and solitude of running...outside.

When I returned home, Couch Potato #2 was just where I left him...on the couch. Actually, so was my BFF...couched on gchat. I said, "Hey BFF, I'm back from a terrific run." BFF said, "You're so damn funny." Me: "Oh, BFF, stop! You make me blush! No, actually, tell me more!" BFF: "You got up and took a run in the middle of our conversation. I told you to run, but I thought you would do that AFTER we finished. You must be on drugs." Me: "Oh, I don't do drugs, but running's got me high." Lame dialogue sequence over.

Annnnnnyway, I'm hoping that Ntate Niño (the Sesotho-ized version of El Niño for you non-Sesotho speaking people)is kind to me, my semblance of a training schedule, and jiggly love handles and holds off on the rain for another day, cause I need to run! Come March 20th, my marathon won't run itself!

Well, that's all I've got for now. Cross your fingers and toes with me in hopes that I'll have another run to report on for tomorrow.

Until next know how the story foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in (some kind of) training,


On another note, according to CNN, Microsoft is attempting to "redefine the couch potato" by making your Xbox become "the hub of your living room" and giving you no reason to move. Read more.

I'm all for progress and technology, but "No Thanks" Steve least that's a "No Thanks" for trying to make being a "couch potato" the new sexy in 2011.


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