This morning, I received my official confirmation of participation in the Two Oceans Half Marathon- Bib # 80267! Even though the half marathon is about two months away and I have about 5 "training races" and THE BIG ONE in between, I'm super jazzed about running the Two Oceans! A great deal of my excitement stems from the fact that several of my good friends, in addition to the larger Maseru running crew, will be running in this race. The fact that the race is over a long weekend in Cape Town is surely a plus. However, the two biggest factors are that 1) I would have completed my goal of running the Publix Georgia Marathon and will be alive and well; and 2) The Two Oceans is a BIG DEAL in South Africa.
For the duration of my long-term relationship with South Africa (about 10 years now), I've come to realize that there are three races that everyone talks about: Comrades Marathon (Durban), Two Oceans Marathon (Cape Town), and the Soweto Marathon (Johannesburg). These races, in my opinion, are deeply interwoven within the cultural fabric of this beautiful country, amongst many other things. I look forward to joining runners from around South Africa, Africa, and the world to take part! At some point within the next two years, I would like to commit myself to running the full marathon (56km/35 miles), which will take me from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean (hence the name of the race). And, as part of my New Year's resolution to run a marathon in a country other than the US, I WILL be running the Soweto Marathon on November 7th, 2011!
On another note, I have to admit that I have not experienced a runner's high in what seems to be a long time! The last time I remember feeling the amazing adrenaline rush that running can bring, was during a run in Zambia...when I encountered three Zebra walking towards me. Who wouldn't get excited to see that?!
Although I was pretty damn geeked to have completed the Ottosdal Draf en Trap with a PR of 2 hr and 25 minutes, I didn't get that very distinct feeling of can't-sit-still/super-productive/alert/motivated/Energizer Bunny/Redbull "it gives you wings" without the Redbull!

Initially, I was going to follow my regular route around the industrial area, but in a last minute and random decision, I cut across the street to run up a huge hill I've been trying to conquer for a while now. Danielle=1; Hill=0! And I kept running and running until I met up with my regular route. Now,I could have continued with the regular route, but again, in a last minute move, I ran up another hill along side my former stomping ground...the gym. A quick nod in acknowledgement, but continued to run. Finally, I met up with tail end of my regular route, which includes a short, but steep hill. Something within me, however, told me to keep running right up the steep hill that leads to my house. Usually, I fast walk this hill as a cool down of sorts, however this time...I slowed down my pace and...kept running all the way to the top!
Clearly my name is Hillary today, because I was all about those hills!
By the time I finished stretching, that ah-mazing runner's high set in! Thank you G-O-D! Luckily, the high tends to last all day so I'll be on high-drive. So, if you see me smiling with a wild look that says, "I'd rather be running", you'll know the back story!
Well, that's all for now. Wish me luck in tomorrows half race! And as always, you'll be the first one to get the results!
Until next foot in front of the other...keep in movin'!
Yours in training,
Hahaha. I do miss Runner's High, glad you found it again!
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