Just in case you forgot...I'd like to reintroduce myself: My name is Hillary and I run hills for fun. Yesterday morning, Doc called and said, "Hillary, it's that time again. Be prepared to run hills after work."
At exactly 6:00 pm, Doc and I set out to pound the pavement in downtown Maseru. Initially, I was going to take him on a tour of my long route which encircles the city, but my little friend complained that the streets were still way too busy...unlike the quiet streets around his neighborhood outside of town. Just because he complained, I took him on a super hilly route through Maseru West!
On the first hill, he managed to reach the top without incident. By the time we completed the second major hill, Doc was out of breath! Hahaha (or in Lesotho, "kwakwakwa")! I asked him if he needed a break, but the little pony's pride is that of a stallion! Onward!
In total, we ran up about 5 steep hills and the remaining course consisted of slight, but steady inclines. To put it plainly, Lesotho is known as "the mountain kingdom". Pretty much any street you run will include running up a hill, down a hill or along the ridge of a hill! Additionally, the elevation of Maseru is approximately 1600m (5249 ft) above sea level. Hopefully, this will come in handy during the marathon in Atlanta, Georgia at an elevation of 225 to 320 m (738 to 1050 ft)!
Like I said before, however, I won't feel ready until I am able to run up that donkey kong-sized hill behind my house! Until then...my name is Hillary!
Until next time...one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in (hills) training,
PS: Just for your entertainment, I've included some pictures of the ginormous potholes Doc and I encounter to reach the world outside of Maseru...into South Africa!
Doc representing the Crocodilian 32km
Instead of fixing the potholes, you'll see an exclamation point (!).
Just know you're in for a bumpy ride/flat tire!
One of MANY potholes!
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