Today is the day that I try to conquer one hell of a hill. Just call me Hillary until I do!:
I know you must be saying to yourself, "That's not such a big deal. My 3 year old nephew could do that!" If that's what you're thinking, and I'm sure it is, let me give you a different view of this mighty hill:
When I started training in August, I made a very first attempt at giving this beast of a hill a new name: "Mine"! One quarter of the way up the hill, when I had to literally stop and gasp for air, the hill yelled at me, "I don't think so!" I've done my very best ever since then to avoid it like the plague. However, I know that this hill must be run before I can feel totally confident in my ability to run the Publix Georgia Marathon- a race full of hills!
Yes, I'm going on and on about this hill and still, I feel that you're closely examining the pictures and doubting my sanity, because you don't think it looks big at all! In my last attempt to illustrate how insane this hill is, before I invite you to personally run it yourself, take a look at this picture:
...and even still, this picture doesn't do the hill justice, because once it reaches the top of the road, you have to turn the corner and continue up the side of the hill on the left (you can kind of make out a path through the middle)!
This week, I've tasked myself with running up and down this entire hill without stopping. Surely, it will take several attempts over several days...and perhaps a couple of weeks, but I'm going to get there! This afternoon I will take a first stab at it and give you feedback on the results.
Wish me luck, Dear Reader! I think I'm going to need it!
And on another note, I will be running the Crocodilian 32km race this Saturday (with Doc, I hope) and "God willing and the creek don't rise" (yes, I'm a Southerner), I'll run the Dairy Belle Naval Duiwel Half Marathon (a recent add to the race roster) on February 19th!
As always, you know I'll keep you posted on my hill training this week!
Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in (hill) training,
Hillary (aka Dani)
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