I'm overwhelmed now...the love, support, friendship, motivation, dedication, sweat equity, focus...that went into me getting to this very moment.
There were definitely days that I doubted that I'd be here right now. There were definitely days when I had to talk a good game...talk each step of the way into existence...when it was just as easy to quit and go home.
In two days, I will do something that I never thought I'd ever be able to do in a million years. In two days, I will do something that some doubted I'd be dedicated and focused enough to do. My own self doubt...their doubt...combined...has propelled me...served as a catalyst for me to wake up when I didn't feel like it...when the rain wouldn't stop...when other things seemed more important...when the couch looked more appealing.
"I wish that I could have this moment for life, cause in this moment I just feel so alive! This is my moment, I just feel so alive!" ~Nicki Minaj, Moment for life
Yours in (being alive) training,
Ride that high all the way to the finish line. You got this :) Good luck!
Thanks lady! You have both inspired me and made me laugh so hard I snorted like a pig with your posts! I look forward to keeping up with your journey as well! Get it girl!
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