Hello Dear Reader,
It is officially wintertime in the Kingdom of Lesotho. I'm sure that you folks in the USA are gloating and pointing your fingers at me, saying, "It's your turn now!" True indeed, you good folks have had a hellish winter and need a break...but I still wish (selfishly, I admit and frankly don't care) that it was you and not me. Le sigh!
Winter in Lesotho, for those of you who do not know is beautiful. Snow-capped mountains ...amazing. No central heating and un-insulated buildings...not so much! During my first winter in Lesotho, I woke up all snug in my bed and gave a great big yawn...only to see my breath (no, I don't have hot breath...it was just freezing...honest)! Many people, including myself, keep warm with gas heaters. I know that the warning label clearly says not to leave it on while sleeping. Let's just say that I left it on and prayed before I went to bed, asking God to take me home if necessary, but at least the trip there would be warm. I dunno...but it was just that serious!
During Lesotho winters, days are shorter and the nights (darkness) is looooooooong! In the summer, it was light by 4:30 am. Perfect time for a run. Now, the sun only shows up at 6:30 am. Not much time for a run and be on time for work. Again, in the summer, I could run until 7:30pm. Now, I can't seem to even think about running before it gets dark (i.e. 6:00 pm). Umm...HELLOOOOOOOOO Mr. Sunshine...can I get a little light for my pavement pounding? Perhaps I should write a letter...string a ribbon in the sky with my message...expressing to the sun just how I feel. Perhaps it will go a little something like this:
Sun of this Solar System
100 Center of It All
Space, Space 100
April 20th, 2011
Hello Mr. Sunshine,
First, let me tell you that I love you and all of the good work you do! You're a gem! I mean, you make little flowers grow and give me a reason to drink a cup of tea with my butter croissant from Pick n'Pay in the morning! Thanks for that!
The reason I'm writing you is simple: I need to run. Lately, you've been knocking off a little earlier than usual...falling asleep on the job like those air traffic controllers. Not a good look. We need you. You're a super star...err a sun!
Now I know I'm being a bit pushy when I know full well that we all need a vacation. Hell, I even take leave once in a while. But you see, I need to run. I bought a whole lot of cute size 2 dresses when I was home and can't live with the shame of leaving them halfway unzipped just so I can squeeze into them. Plus, when I run, I'm in a much better mood. Please don't make me unleash the sapphire within on this unsuspecting world. Think of it as a public service on your part...not to say you don't do more than your fair share already! But I think you get my point.
So in conclusion, if I could get you to stick with your summertime schedule, that'd be great!
Thanks a mil...you're the best!
How about that? Think that'll work? Shame!
Yes, I know that if I really wanted to go running, there's always the gym. Ugg...the gym. I've been talking about rejoining the gym for a minute now and the script is getting so old because I've not done a single thing about it. I don't exactly know what my hesitation is about, but I just don't feel excited about it. The prospect of running on a rat wheel and waiting my turn for a treadmill that is pre-set for 20 minutes is not ok. NOT.OH.KAY! It's something. Heck, better than nothing, but I dunno. I mean, I used to love the gym...crave gym time. Spin class was especially cool because bad ass spin instructor (remember him?) had a big bum and I found it quite entertaining to see him bobbing to the music (let's be honest). He's lost weight now and I just don't think that the experience will be the same. And how could we ever forget about the gym hottie? Really now?! New/old trainer was the best and so was Mad-dog trainer. So many reasons to go back, right? Yeah, I know...I do need to do something. Yes, something is better than nothing. Something is better than nothing. Something is better than nothing. Convinced yet, Dani? No, not really. I'll give it a little more thought.
From all of my almost 5 years of living in Southern Africa, I've learned to respect the concept of "making a plan." (translation: we don't have to figure it out now, but something will be done.) So, I'll make a plan to figure out how to get some pavement pounding in...or rat wheel racing if need be.
So until next time...one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in (making a plan) training,
Going for Goal
January is that time of year that we celebrate closing the chapter of the
prior year and eagerly pursue the…
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