Hello Dear Reader,
Over the past three weeks, while in the US of A, I've run 3 times: 1) Ran on a hotel treadmill for two of those days, and 2) the Publix GA Marathon. In the past three weeks, I've managed to eat my way across the country as part of my homecoming tour. Over the past two weeks since the marathon, my freaking kankle has been too sore to do anything other than a sad shuffle (my BFF told me to add a shimmy and a shake to spice it up). If you add those things up, that equals...out of shape and a few (err...) added pounds (or more...but who's counting?). If you also include the fact that I've not had more than 4 to 5 hours of sleep at most each day I've been away, and since Saturday, I've maybe had 5 hours of sleep combined (jet lag, etc.), none of this is a good look! Not.at.all!
Yesterday, I was desperate to get some sleep so I figured, hey...how about trying to test out my kankle, sexy Garmin, and brand new shoes...with the ultimate goal of draining every last bit of energy so that I could go to sleep (fail)! Shoes on, (snug) running pants on, Garmin GPS on...out the door...
...oooooooh mah gawd! The course my body was so familiar running made me feel like crap- my legs were concrete blocks even further weighed down by carrying the load of my trusty couch with a Couch Potato #2 on top! The feeling reminds me of the early days of my running process...those dreaded Sunday long runs that left me with hurt feelings and shuffling home with my tail between my legs. Sad. So.very.sad. In fact, I felt as if I wasted my precious Garmin's time (literally and figuratively). I could barely run a 5k! Fugg! Sad face. All of that!
Down, but not out, I returned home feeling good (if you can believe it), because my ankle didn't hurt and at least I did something! Also, with a bit of rest and allowing my body to reconnect with the altitude, I'll be back and in full effect in no time! One foot in front of the other, Dani...keep it movin'!
...and on a very funny note, remember me telling you about "How the real (Maseru) West was won"? I'm way too lazy to find the post, but basically (if you're interested in searching) the post is about racing my former boss/co-worker/friend who likes flapping his gums about me and my running! Anyway, first thing this morning (first day back at the office), I greeted him as we were walking into the office. I handed him my medal with a smirk! Afterwards, I proudly displayed the race bling all over the office and completed my victory tour in his office, where I proceeded to tack it to the wall behind his desk. There my medal will triumphantly be displayed until one of us either changes offices or leaves the organization. VICTORY is my just dessert! (pictures will surely follow)!
Well, that's all I have for now. Today is a day off from running (to add to all of the other days I've taken off) and will (hopefully) be back at it in the morning!
Until next time...one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in (victory) training,
Going for Goal
January is that time of year that we celebrate closing the chapter of the
prior year and eagerly pursue the…
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3 years ago
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