Sunday, July 10, 2011

Change clothes and go!

Hello Dear Reader,

This weekend, several things have been on my mind:
  1. I really, really love to run...and I miss it. Similar to having a best/good friend who has "drifted away" over time, you find yourself remembering the laughs, smiles, good and bad times you've want them all back. Finding a way to reconnect is the hitch...
  2. Yesterday, I drove into Ladybrand for a massage and facial. As I was changing back into my clothes, I caught a glimpse of my "on a break from running" body. By no means am I big at all. Simply put- I know I can be/look better. The "extra me" that's starting to form as a result of eating more than I'm burning (you get the picture)...I want to get rid of it.
  3. My Ethio running buddy and I were in the midst of a Skype convo, when he asked, 'Aren't you supposed to be in a race this weekend?'! Which then prompted me to look at races on and noticed that the racing season is picking up again in preparation for the spring and summer. And later on in the day, I was vaccuming my carpets when I knocked over a couple of my running medals. I thought, "Are these things just going to collect dust as relics from a brief, yet fulfilling running career or am I going to find ways to add to the collection to pass down to my half-alien/Ethio-American great grand children?" (Sorry, still chowing through Octavia Butler's 'Lilith's Brood').
  4. I want to look good in my wedding photos.
  5. Over the past few months that I was broken up with running, I've noticed that I'm not as chipper, sunshiny, and excited.about.everything! Instead, my humor is a bit more dry than it has been, I'm a bit more moody (sorry friends and family), and I just don't feel...right. Running is the best cure-all drug for me, ya'll! I stopped taking my "meds" and the world is a lot less bright... The label on my running shoes and/or clothes should read like this: For best results, use every day. Should be taken with water and a balanced meal. You may experience side effects such as cheerful disposition, increased productivity, weight loss, increased appetite, glowing skin, and calloused feet. Do not discontinue treatment unless instructed.
After thoughts like these, I had no choice but to get my big body up and out from under the warmth of my electric blanket set to 'hot as hell', change clothes, and GO! I slipped on my running essentials (without my underused Garmin), and hit the pavement! My first inclination was to blast off, but instead, I set a slow and steady pace, and stuck with it. The feeling of pavement pounding was awesome! It was as if I were in a zone...completely focused...and feeling great!

I should know the distance I covered, because there are only so many viable routes around town, but it must have been around 8 to 10 km. The surprise of actually running that entire route without stopping, after having been on such a long break, was unbelievable...especially since I'm not in pain (yet)! Thank GOD for 'muscle memory'!!!

Tomorrow morning, I will be back at the pavement pounding. Expect a report back! Since I'm trying to get back into racing (and collecting medals to pass down to my Alien spawn), I need to do a bit more training. I am committed to running on July 30th- The Jolly Jumbo Half Marathon!

So until tomorrow (when you return to read my "back at it" report) foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in (get it right, get it tight) training,


And for a bit of running motivation (for both yourself and me)... Jay-Z's "Change Clothes" and GO!


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