Thursday, September 1, 2011

My take on being competitive

Hello Dear Reader,

Often times I think that no one actually looks at this little blog, except for the people I send post updates to. My motivation for updating it has certainly wained as a result, but fear not, the lack of blog posts do not reflect my running/workout plan! It is in full effect!

I think I mentioned that I wanted to get back into strength training....which means re-upping my gym membership. Yep, I did that and started working with New (old) Trainer twice a week. We're now in our second week together and it certainly feels AWESOME! Yes...I said 'awesome' in all caps, because it's just that good. Firstly, it's awesome because I can personally tell the difference from when I first started training (struggled to lift a weight and complained the whole way) to now (feeling the burn, can lift heavier weights, and asking for more)! Secondly, both my trainer and other trainers remark how much my body has been reshaped as a result of running. My legs, specifically, are getting toned. HOTT!

That aside, or rather in addition, I've also been consistently running. Some days I'll run in the morning and work out with my trainer in the evenings. A full day of working out is the future! I really believe that, with science backing me up, this will improve my running tremendously. Haha! A couple of weeks ago, I was explaining my new workout schedule to my beautiful Ethiopian man, telling him that I'll be able to run faster and harder during races. Plus, I want to look more fit and toned. He said, 'I thought you were just running for fun. Sounds like you're getting competitive!" To answer both him and you (cause I know you may be asking yourself the same thing): No, my goal has never been to win like Hailie Gerbersalasie, but rather to feel like I'm personally improving. Sure, I'm competitive about things that don't matter much like getting to an imaginary finish line first, way ahead of Doc...even though I knew I would cause he was a mile behind me at any given point on a run. I like to stand there with my chest puffed out, gloating that I won, meanwhile, he's not paying me any mind! You see, that's my competitive nature for ya! The reality is that I like knowing that I can continue to push my (perceived) limits. I want to run up that monster hill leading up to my house without stopping. I want to make new personal records (PR) on my 5km time. I want to lift weights until my thighs are defined. Anyway, no need to belabour the point.

...But, before I totally give up on said point...about pushing my limits and being personally competitive...yesterday, I ran like a beast and made a new personal record for my 5 mile (8km) time! I know I also PR'd my 5km time, but I wasn't paying attention to my watch. Right out of the gate, I knew I was running faster than I usually do. Normally, I try to keep my pace around a 10 minute mile. Today, there must have been a fire inside of me, cause I just booked it up and down hills. The gazillions of ladies headed to work at factories in the industrial area have learned to clear a space on the side walk when they see me, but they move a bit quicker today! How much quicker was I running, you ask? Well, anywhere between 9 and 9.4 minute miles. I know it doesn't sound like much but that extra time I saved burned more energy faster!

Final distance/time: 5.02/49 min...and there were hella hills, because I added a few to my normal running route! haha! Just imagine the runners high I had addition to making a PR and being able to gloat about it all day to Doc! Jackpot!!!!

Anyway, the plan for tomorrow...since it is a gym to leave work right at knock off time...park my car at the gym...and go for an hour long run right before my training session starts at 6pm! Nice! And, we're going to be working on legs! Yesssss!

On another, yet equally awesome note, while at the gym, I found an advert for a 1/2 marathon in Lesotho! Ohhh Snap! A bus will collect runners from town and take them to and from the race venue. Knowing that Lesotho is a big mountain range, I should be expecting hella hills. We'll see...wish me luck! ...And, I've managed to recruit at least 4 of my friends to run it too! The best part, however, is that immediately afterwards, we're all meeting up in a little town in South Africa for a day of paint balling! Ohhh yeah!

...and the good news keeps on coming... last weekend, after much hype talk from Doc about how many things we can do if we all had bikes...I got a BIKE!!! Yes, it's pretty awesome! If I weren't so concerned about the ridiculous drivers in Lesotho, I'd be so inclined to ride my bike to work. I'm working up the courage to do it. Plus, I look forward to taking it out for a spin in countryside.

...still weekend, I'll be heading to Joburg for the Gerald Fox Memorial 1/2 Marathon in...wait for it...the excitement is mounting...are you ready?...naw, you're not ready enough...ok, I see you jumping in your seat...the Johannesburg Zoo! Cha-ching! I hit the mother load with this one! I can't wait! The combination of running, zoo animals, winning a medal, and treating myself to a homemade blueberry muffin, can't be beat!

...ok, last one, but this one is just too much (for me) to handle...the weekend after that, I'll be headed to the land of the Lion of Judah to see my favorite Ethiopian and his loving family, and running in the Coca Cola Race Series 7km on the 18th! September is just a good month, neh?

Since this was an action packed, runner's high-induced post, I'll leave it there! I hope that you're getting active where ever you are! For my American folks, you should be taking advantage of the last few days of summer...cause it's our turn now to have fun in the summer sun!

So until next foot in front of the other (one weight lift, one bike ride, one trip, several races)...keep it movin!

Yours in (summer sun September) training,



Anonymous said...

I still read your blog! Am curious to hear how it goes for you with biking - I've gotten curious about triathlons but am avoiding the spending for a bike or pool access right now.

Dani said...

Hi there! Awe, thanks for continuing to read! Thus far, my bike has been sitting in the middle of my living room. I'm planning to bike to work...or at least bike to and from the gym just to get a feel of the bike. I won't have much time to take it out to the countryside until I get back from Ethiopia (next weekend, headed to Joburg and the next two weeks after that- Ethio). I do plan on doing at least a duathlon within the 2011/12 year. Swimming...not ready for that yet! How are you and your running?

Anonymous said...

Running is going well, ignoring the thunderstorms predicted for pretty much 24-7 the next four days. I just keep going out and getting in what I can until the thunder begins. I'm excited for my race.... it's almost here!

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