Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30 going on 31

Hello Dear Reader,

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend about being 30, and all of the things I hope to accomplish by the time I'm 31. A couple of days ago, I was sitting at my desk, planning work activities for the remaining weeks of February, and had an "Oh Shit!" moment! Dear Reader, I'm going to be 31 in less than a month! Where did my year go? Whaaaa?

Reflecting on the past year, the one thing that's been abundantly clear is that my motivation to run has had Horn of Africa drought lows and tsunami highs. In the build up to 30, and I'd say for the first half of the year, my running game was intense and on point. I ran like clock work. The second half of the year, however, has progressively demonstrated a clear slump. It's not that I don't want to run, because I do. Translating "theory" into "practice" however, has been a bit of a doozy.

True enough, the build up for running was at a psychotic experience. The reasons for being so were understandable. I had to go from -20 to 100 in order to get my goal accomplished. Sustainable, however, that pace was not. What really needs to happen, which I've yet to master, is finding a balance between doing nothing and doing it all. Runners and non-runners alike can surely understand my sad story.

I've yet to identify the source of motivation from within that can successfully motivate my lazy bones out of bed in the morning, but wherever that motivation is hiding, it needs to show its face pretty soon!

Until next foot in front of the other (Dani)...and keep it movin' (Dani)!

Yours in (where is my mojo?) training,



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