Monday, August 30, 2010

"My body stays vicious. I be up in the gym just workin' on my fitness"...Dani-licious!

Hello Dear Reader,

Yep, I was at it again at 5:30 this morning..."it" being working on getting my body oh-so-right!

Today was the second official first day of working out with my personal trainer. My trainer- a tiny lady with a big bark- and a big bite it turns out! After assessing my body with scales, tape measures and rulers, I was given a stern look with the words..."And now you're gonna work!" And work I did- 30 minutes at an interval setting on the stationary bike, 15 minutes on the stair master, and enough thigh and butt exercises to make me do the penguin waddle.

In the past, whenever I happened to mosey on over to the stationary bike, time spent was more comparable to an evening constitution. With mad-dog trainer, I was riding up the side of mountains at a break-neck pace. Using the thigh master-like machine on my own time: 3 reps of 10. On mad-dog trainer's watch, I did 10 reps of 20....umm? Watch out there a few months you'll be able to bounce a quarter off these buns and get change!

In total, I spent about 1.5 hours at the gym this morning...and I feel great! No knee problems (thanks to a lil' ace bandage). A "get it right, get it tight" plan for success. Getting my mind right for tomorrow's run! Ooh wee! Yes...I'm country!

Until next time...if you're wondering where I am and what I'm up to..."check it out..."

Yours in ("my body stays vicious") training,



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