Friday, August 13, 2010

OMG! What did I just do!?!

Hello Dear Reader,

It's nice to meet you! If we've already met, welcome back. Although we may (or may not) have met, I'm about to let you in on an "OMG!!" moment- something that I just did that could potentially come back to bite me on the behind! Before I go into that, however, let me first tell you something- I'm a Couch Potato.

When I was in high school, horseback riding and softball were a part of my daily routine. I never considered those things to be "exercise", they were life. Let's fast forward to August 13, 2010, as I sit behind my computer typing this post. The days of horseback riding and softball have been traded in for sitting on the couch watching mindless tv or reading a book, while scratching my Bulldog, Beef-Wellington, behind the ear. Note: It's not by happenstance that I chose a Bulldog- the breed best known as the "couch potato of the dog world".

Every once in a while, I've been known to go on an exercise kick. I'll work out for a solid three months or so and then burn out. Lately, I've only gotten as far as exercising my mind- with work, reading, and thinking about how I need to work out. So sad, but I'm sure I'm not much different than many people out there: youngish; working 8 to 5; ready to veg out after a long day's work; noticing that our respective bodies ain't like they were when we were 23; and wanting to do something about not feeling our lower halves, due to our pants cutting off circulation (ok...jokes on that last one) get the point.

One of the major challenges I've faced with keeping up the motivation to exercise after those initial three months, is that I have not done such a good job with holding myself accountable for what I say I want: 1) To be in shape (aka "Get my body right"); and 2) Live a healthy, active life style. So, after browsing several running blogs and websites geared towards "Couchers" and beginning runners, I joined a forum for new runners. I asked if anyone would be interested in starting the "Couch to 5K" plan with me. My forum post goes something like this: "Hi! My name is Dani. I'm a couch potato. I need help. Do you need help too?" (I've already got one hit!)

Joining a runners' forum is a first for me...I'll get support from anonymous "Couchers" via posts that enter my email inbox. That could be enough, but no, that's way too easy. I mean, I could simply select and delete any such messages if and when I happen to fall off of the proverbial wagon. No harm. No foul. Problem is that, this time, I need to call in some reinforcement. An email was just sent out to about thirty of my friends and family members, letting them in on what I plan to do, so that they may hold me to my word! I'm serious! I want to become a runner!

In the past, I've worked out for the sake of it...with no real goal or deadline to work towards. In March 2011, I'll hit the BIG 3-Ohhh! What better birthday gift to give myself- work my way up from the couch to the Georgia Marathon, which is taking place on March 20th, 2011. Another motivator is that during that same month, I'll need to renew my driver's license...a sexy new picture to match the sexy new me! Although a marathon is 26 miles, I want to be able to run 30 miles- one mile for every year of my life-hence the title of this blog: 30 miles for 30 years!

This blog is meant to extend the invitation of accountability to you, Dear Reader. If I fall on my butt, you and my nearest and dearest will I can't fail this time!

Follow me as I document my journey from Couch Potato to 1st time marathon runner over the next 7 months. Any tips and words of wisdom you may have to offer will be much appreciated!

So having said all of that...lace up your sneaks and come along for the run!

Yours in training,



E.S.I. said...

Im still trying to process the thought of traveling 30 miles.....without man's greatest invention....THE WHEEL. Well I will definitely be one of your cheerleaders....I might even train with you. :)

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see how another person does with the Couch to 5K. I needed to re-assess the Plan for myself about midway through because I hit a personal roadblock, but a personal trainer will be able to guide you around that. I think this is incredibly awesome! Thanks for inviting me along for the ride :-)

Dani said...

@jjfad: Trust me, I'm still trying to figure out how to travel 30 miles without some type of assistance...other than what my friend calls "the ankle express". Feel free to train along with me! I'd love to hear how you're progressing and moving beyond any hurdles you might have! Keep me posted!

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