Once again (I'll gladly do it over and over again), I have to give a BIG thanks to my friends and family for really stepping the support up over the past few days! Just because they're that special to me...I'll tell you who they are: FTTE, Jami, Mom, Dad, My loving sister-in-love, Jeb, Linesiya, Freckle-maine, mad-dog trainer, and my old trainer who I used to flake on!!! You all really came through for me...
.... enough to....wake up this morning and actually get out of bed at the sound of my 5:00 am alarm, and go to the gym! Wow, it felt great to get moving after a two day break. Monday and Tuesday, the mental pressure that I put on myself alone was killing me. What's worse, I felt hella sluggish and couldn't believe that I found my way back on the couch (it has a crazy pull, I'm tellin' ya!!!).
At the gym, I'm confident that I was looking a bit crazy and out of place. I rolled up with my funky sweat pants on, a scarf circa 1976 (thanks mom), half my hair in a flat-to-my-head puff ball, yawning like I literally rolled out of bed (it's true...that's exactly what I did). No matter how crazy I looked...despite feeling super sluggish...I hopped right on the treadmill and ran it out (at a 8.7 setting). The spin class on the second floor was my focus...plus, I think the trainer was checkin' me, so I had to look the part.
After running, I went upstairs to stretch and do some floor ab exercises. As I sat on the floor, right let stretched out on the floor, left leg bent and crossed over, twisting my upper body...my old trainer twisted me even more so I could get the posture right. Every time he sees me, he always checks on my progress and provides encouraging words. Because I seem to need full-time support, I asked him if, when my regular trainer is on the evening shift, he would work with me every other week. He has a full load of clients, but promised to see what he could work out. Hopefully he can help a struggling sista out!
As I was telling Jeb in a recent gchat convo, "I may not be able to run 30 miles or 26.2 miles by March. The sweeper bus that collects runners not over the finish line before the cut off time might try to snatch me up. I might even be passed up by the 15 minute/mile walkers, but come hell or high water, I'm gonna cross that finish line and celebrate like I won the whole thing!"
Well, that's all for now! I've got to stay focused! I've got to keep putting one foot in front of the other! Both my mind and body need to get in shape it seems!
Until tomorrow...keep it moving!
Yours in (all around) training,
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