Friday, September 10, 2010

Sometimes, I get obsessed!

Hello Dear Reader,

I wanted to leave you with ooooone more post before I head off for my much needed vaycay.

Linesiya and I have been emailing each other all night about this BIG Dream, which would raise funds for HIV research and programming via organized marathons? 1/2 marathons? 10K? 5K? road races/fun runs.

In addition to organizing a race and supporters here in Lesotho, she is busy organizing similar events State-side. If you're in the States (I see some of you are) and would like to work directly with her, leave a comment on her blog. If you'd like to help, and aren't in the States (waves hand at my international "Dear Readers"!), still, leave a comment...get involved (I'm a member of the global community, aren't you?)! Don't be shy, get involved! Don't be nervous, we don't bite! No need to wonder, YOUR INPUT HELPS!!!

So, before I have to love you and leave you, I have an excerpt of Linesiya's latest blog post, entitled "A call to runners", in which she has some questions for you...we need your help!

(or if you can't read that...I can't) are her questions:

#1: I need people who can help me organize an event here, in the States. If you’ve ever organized a 5K, or you know “the right people” to contact – please, please let me know. Especially if you live in the NYC area, but even if you don’t – leave me a comment or find me on Twitter!

#2: I’ll be posting updates as the event develops. I hope we can get lots of people involved! I’m hoping to also include a 5K walk to make this event even more accessible. Consider signing up to run, walk, or volunteer when we reach that stage in the event planning!

#3: Consider making this your “cause” in races you’re planning to sign up for. Dani has made some contacts to people involved in the microbicide trials and I’m hoping to set up a donation arrangement. Check back for updates!

#4: WHAT MAKES A ‘GOOD RACE’? I want to hear about your race experiences, and what about the way a race was organized made it good or bad.

Thank you to everyone who reads this and leaves me a comment. This project is in the early stages yet, but that’s exactly why I want this feedback now!

Well, that's all for now! I look forward to your input, as well as updates on your own running, BIG DREAMS, and motivational tips to keep me going!

Until next time, keep it moving! One foot in front of the other...

Yours in training,



Anonymous said...

Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful (active) vacation!

Unknown said...

lady, I'm so proud of you for sticking with your training regimen! Seriously, it's inspiring to me... almost makes me feel I could (and should) do the same!
Take care of yourself. Miss you!


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