Wednesday, November 17, 2010

13.1 miles in 3 days!!!

Dear Reader,

I must be, Dani...running 13.1 miles in 3 days? Wha.da.hell-o?! Am I ready? Can I do this? Will I remember how to run? What if my pavement pounding playlist isn't long enough? What if I'm passed up by a 15 year old? Oh, wait, you have to be at least 16 years old...ok, so what if I'm passed up by a 16 year old? What if my running pants split at mile 5? What if I need to take a potty break at mile 1...and mile 3...and mile 5...and mile 6...and mile 6.5...and what if I ran out of toilet paper at mile 4? Will I be crawling over the finish line? Will I be on my feet? What if I chicken out? What if I forgot to put my right sock on? The race starts at 6:30 am...will I get there in time? Will I be the last person to cross the finish line? The race must be completed in 3 hours and 30 minutes...will they give me a medal if I cross at 3hr31min? I feel like Carrie on prom night...her mother taunts with those memorable lines..."They're all gonna laugh at you".

Just playing! Seriously though, I'm kinda nervous about my first road race!

Until next foot in front of the other!

Keep it movin'!

Yours in (1/2 marathon on the way to a full marathon) training,



Anonymous said...

Dani's mother would never taunt her. Instead she supports her and says:RUN DANI, RUN DANI, RUN DANI!

Dani'e mother

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