Now that we're 18 days into 2000-elevation, I'm sure that most people have long forgotten about those pesky New Year's Resolutions to [insert random resolution here]. For many a'New Year's, I too jumped on the resolution bandwagon, making commitments to somehow improve myself/ change my behavior/adopt new behavior. Similarly, I too forgot them by the time the clock struck 12:01. No harm. No foul. Next year, another batch.
This year, however, I am determined to resist the urge to dump my resolutions in the bin. Just to recap, my resolutions for 2000-elevation are to:
- Run 1 marathon in a country other than the US of A before the end of the year.
- Every quarter, run in at least one race.
- Renew my membership to the gym.
- Encourage one person to begin a regular exercise and healthy eating routine.
Here I am now, 6 months into a lifelong fitness journey, being asked by others for fitness/running advice like my name is Susan Powter (and you see how that worked for her). My response to those queries is always, "If I can do lazy as I naturally am...I know you can do it too." To which I regularly hear, "but running is easy for you. You love to run." After giving them the "are you crazy?" look, I tell them, "hellz no, running is not easy for me...and as a side note...I detest running." The truth is that I have to dangle the proverbial carrot in front of my own face just to convince myself to wake up at an ungodly hour to do something that leaves me sweaty and sore. Every day, I have to remind myself why I run. I run because I told myself for so long that I was not a runner. I run because I know that I'm doing something positive for both my physical and mental health. I run to give myself a reason to write on this damn blog. I run because I can finally fit in those cute pair of pants I've had for ages. I run now so that I can set a good example for any devil's spawn I'll produce one day. I run so that I don't have to hand my health over to diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. on a silver platter.
It is my hope that, through my lessons learned thus far, I can encourage someone else who thinks that they can't get off the couch because [insert perceived barrier here].
Ok, I guess that's enough for today. I really am starting to sound like Susan so I'll "stop the insanity!"
Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in training,
P.S. On a side note, my boss walked into my office this morning and said that he went for a 5km jog yesterday afternoon and that he is committing himself to running 5km every day. ***Cheers to mind control!!!***
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