Just as I was forced to listen to my body when running, I've also learned to take a hint when the Universe is trying to tell me something. Let me explain...
Over the past couple of months, I've met many new people by running like a mad woman through the streets of Maseru. On the days that I can't muster up enough discipline to run, it always comes back to haunt me in the form of random people, some of them avid runners, calling me to task because they didn't see me pounding the pavement on any given day. I guess that's one of the benefits of living in a city...let's keep it real...a country of 1.8 million people: everyone knows everyone (we're talking 1 or 2 degrees of separation) and most people are willing to help out their neighbor in need.
On at least three different occasions within the last three weeks, I've been asked to run by an individual or a group. Either the person or group is starting to run or in the full Two Oceans Marathon (2O) training swing. In a recent post, I explained how I'm becoming a lot more open to running with a group of ladies who are training for the 2O. Because of conflicting schedules, however, most of the ladies have been unable to run but are still interested in getting together. Even though the ladies running group has been a fail so far, now that the group running seed has been planted...I'm actually pretty interested in running with others who have lots of experience running (ultra) marathons.
Of late, I've been trying to keep up with my ad hoc running program and going on evening runs with a friend who is wanting to recover from his lengthy leave of absence from running. I do, however, feel the need to step it up. Can you believe I only have 55 days left until the BIG DAY?!
This morning, I waited for the rain to lighten up (YES! It's still raining!!!) before I hit the ground running! Today was probably one of the better runs I've had recently: well hydrated, cool outside, hills, quiet streets...a little over 10k (I forgot to start my pedometer). Midway through the run, I cross from one side of the street to avoid (hard to do) giant pools of standing water and mud. Just as I was about to hop over the guard rail, I pickup truck made a U-turn and pulled up next to me. Normally if this happens (yes, it's happened before), I just ignore the guy and keep running. This time, however, the man yelled out the window, "Are you training for the Two Oceans?" I had to stop. The man, it turns out, is a seasoned ultra marathon runner who is an organizer of a running club that is currently training for the 2O and the father of a friend. He said that, because of the rain, the group didn't go for their regular Sunday long run today, but that they run 10k every day and are currently working on hills...in the Lesotho context...he means mountains...literally.
Ok, Dear Reader, I've fought off the idea of running with others for a while now...5 months to be exact...but when the Universe is offering assistance to slackers/strugglers like me...I'm no fool..I'm taking it.
Please note that on the 23rd Day of Our Lord, Two thousand-elevation...Dani is fully committed to running with this training group. The man took my number and told me that I should be expecting someone to collect me from my house tomorrow after work...and be prepared to run!
I'm ready (although I know better than to run 10k every single day)!
Hopefully, running with this group for a few days this week will be just the thing I need to gear up for my evening 1/2 marathon this weekend!!!
On another, still related point, my flight has been booked to head back to the US of A for my 30th birthday aaaaaaaaaaaaand the Publix Georgia Marathon! I was talking with my parents yesterday and they seem to be in the process of producing an army of supporters for race day. My mom was even talking about getting t-shirts made for everyone! Speaking of t-shirts, two of my friends in Lesotho are the owners of Basotholand Inc., a graphic t-shirt company that promotes all things Lesotho-pride. They have committed to making me a few race day shirts so that I can represent my home away from home when I'm at home! Yea!!! I'm excited!!!
Well, that's all I have for now...I promise also to be more active on my blog...been kinda slacking off on the posts.
Until next time...one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in (the big day) training,
PS: The ladies over at Black Girls Run! will be running the Public Georgia Half- Marathon. Follow them as they train!
PSS: Here are two songs I've added to my growing playlist. If you have anymore suggestions, please pass them along...I need enough for a 5 hour run...and I'm only at 3 hours! Help!
(I have the original version of this song on my playlist)
Are you allowed to have your iPod during the marathon? I've seen a few races that don't allow them.
I love the idea of Lesotho shirts!
I'm thinking of joining a running group when the weather reaches less forbidding temps (the feel like temp is something like 12 again today). Looking forward to hearing what your experience is!
As always - GO DANI!
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