Hello Dear Reader,
The other day I was speaking to my parents about how 2010/2011 has been so good to me. To be honest, the beginning of 2010 was rather challenging. When I made the commitment to turn over a new leaf with running as my catalyst, things started to improve. Sure, the way things have turned out since August 2010 (the month I started running)...and even the way the year started...is as a result of several factors...and the commencement of running is a major factor. As such, I'd like to tell you my top ten reasons how I believe running has changed my life.
1.More confidence- one of the biggest reason I decided to start running in the first place was because I told myself for so long that I was not a runner...that I would never be able/want to run more than 8 minutes. Now that I have proven myself wrong on so many levels (I can run for more than 8 minutes, I can do anything I set my mind to, I WILL run a marathon), I wonder what other hurdle I can jump over/wall I can knock down.
2.No fear- Ok, that's not exactly true. I will not bungee jump, ride a roller coaster, or sky dive because I do not enjoy the feeling of plummeting to the earth at high speeds. Sue me. Not trying for fear of failure...fear of exposing my weaknesses to others (and to myself)...are fears no longer.
3. Hold my head a little higher- I guess this is similar to #1, but I am so proud of myself. It's always a great feeling to set a goal and work really hard to accomplish said goal. True, the goal is to run the Publix Georgia Marathon...and I haven't done it yet...but gosh...just getting here is an accomplishment in and of itself. I definitely feel that I carry myself in a different way than I did 7 months ago. Interestingly enough, it seems as though others can notice a change even if they don't know how to put a name to it. A number of people have said this to me.
4. Better body image- I've never had a bad body image, but have wanted to get in shape for several years now. Pretty much from 2009 to 2010, I would half jokingly tell my friends that "this is the year to get my body right", yet did very little to make that happen. Since I've started running, I've noticed a change in my body shape. The muscles slowly defining themselves around my knee area remind me that those hills I'm running up are working for me and not against me!
5. My exercise-induced asthma is no more- I was just out of shape. Oops! Allergy-induced asthma, however, is still a pain in the rear.
6. Meeting new people- Meeting new people is not hard in Lesotho. Basically, other than Basotho (people from Lesotho), expats are always on the move. On any given day, there's someone new to meet and someone to say 'goodbye' to. Since I've started running, I've been introduced to a whole group of Basotho who I would not normally interact with during working hours. Thus far, these new friends have really inspired me to run and explore another side of the local culture that I might not have been able to otherwise.
7. Runner's high- Whoa!
8. Positive mental health- Not to say that I wasn't a happy person before, but I am definitely happier now with who I am overall. When I started this whole running thing, I made the commitment to get to know myself all over again with as few distractions as possible. This was perhaps the best decision of all.
9. More passionate about...my passions- I'm super passionate about ensuring social justice, serving my community, and living life to the fullest. My new dedication to running has reinvigorated my interest in stepping up my game in other areas of my life. For instance, the Race 4 A Reason charity 5k, 10k, and 1/2 marathon that I spoke about organizing a while ago is scheduled to take place on April 9th! The race will incorporate people living with HIV as guest speakers and race day volunteers, FREE HIV testing and counseling and TB screening, health education, and raising funds for local organizations focused on reducing the HIV/TB disease burden in Lesotho. I'll keep you posted on how you can get involved! Shameless plug...
10. More connected with my home away from home- Since I started running, not only have I made friends with more Basotho, but I'm also becoming more familiar with the pulse of the great city of Maseru. Need directions? I'm your woman! Street names...piece of cake. In fact, I know the street names in Maseru better than several of my friends who were born and raised here. Boom!
I'm sure that I could think of more reasons of how running changed my life, but they all boil down to me being a happier and more fulfilled person. Entering into my 3rd decade of life...that's the best gift I could have ever given myself!
Well, that's all for now. Until next time...one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in training,
Going for Goal
January is that time of year that we celebrate closing the chapter of the
prior year and eagerly pursue the…
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3 years ago
And, cheaper than a shrink :). Seriously you should send this to Runners World. It is well written and I am sure others would be interested.
Ha! Thanks Dave! Yes, running is definitely cheaper than a shrink! How are your fitness goals coming along?! Send a big hug to Marti...and Steph for me please!
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