Monday, May 30, 2011

I think I've gone crazy! (Comrades Marathon Edition)

Hello Dear Reader,

Yesterday, my friend Doc called me and asked, "Dude, are you watching tv right now?" to which I replied, ", I'm cleaning my house." In an excited voice, Doc said, "Dude, you're missing out on the Comrades! Come over to my place and watch it with me." Ohhhhh...the Comrades...I totally forgot that it was this weekend! In fact, my friend Morosi and several other people from Lesotho will be participating! Leaving all of my sweeping, clothes washing, and folding behind, I hopped into the shower and rushed over to Doc's place...and......

Oh, you want to know what this whole "Comrades" business is about? Sorry, I forgot that you don't live in South(ern) Africa and are completely unaware of the, arguably, most prestigious long distance race in the whole of Africa...The Comrades (Ultra) Marathon! The Comrades Marathon, 89.96 km (~52 miles) of the most grueling road racing this side of the Mason Dixon Line...oops...mixed up the countries on that one! The race, which has been hosted since the 1920's, is THE race that people work throughout the year to train for. All other races, Two Oceans Marathon included, are mere buildups to the Comrades.

The route runs (no pun intended) between Pietermaritzburg (PM) and Durban, South Africa. Every other year or every two years, the race switches direction. From PM to Durban, the race is primarily down hill as Durban is at sea level. From PM to Durban, well, let's just say that when I drove back to Maseru from Durban this past December, my little front wheel drive car was struggling to make it up the rolling hills! The change in direction is so remarkable that runners have actually specialized their training and skills to run either up or downhill for this specific race.

In order to qualify for a medal, you have to complete the race within 11 hr 59 min 59 sec! My body has never moved for that long...unless it was asleep!

As Doc and I sat on his couch watching the masses fight their way to the top of one hill after the next, something (crazy) grew deep within me...a little spark...a tiny, tiny, tiny question that asked, "Can I bring myself to do something like that?" Watching people of all shapes, sizes and ages run, walk, crawl and even be dragged across the finish line by total strangers, ignited a slight flicker within...can I actually do that? Can I, Dani, who just ran her first marathon after a lifetime on the couch, actually build myself up to running the Comrades Marathon?

That evening, I proclaimed in front of Doc that, next year, I WILL run the Comrades (even though I talked major sh*t about how I'd never be crazy enough to do it). I even called my parental units and my Ethiopian Running Partner to tell them of my idea. All three of them asked, "Why would you want to do that? It just doesn't make any sense." My Ethio Running Partner even said a flat out, "No!", but he softened his stance on the subject, said he'd be my biggest supporter, but still thought I was crazy and didn't see the point.

After talking myself up for the race, via chats with my family, I looked up the training plan for sub 11 hours. The plan says that you have to first run two qualifying marathons sub-5 hours, but ideally I should be able to run a sub-4 hr 25 min. I guess I need to really start working my a$$ off if I plan on doing that...seeing that would mean cutting about 35 minutes off of my GA Marathon time. Oh My!

I still have plenty of time to make up my's crazy, I know...but just think about year's course will be down hill (not to say easier, but down hill none-the-less)...and...if I actually completed the race, there would really be nothing standing in my mountain high enough, no valley low enough (yes, I know I just borrowed a line from a song, but you get the point). Also, I need to do more research, starting with talking to my friend Morosi...after she's recovered. So while I'm busy making up my mind, let me know what you think! Should I or shouldn't I?

So until next foot in front of the other (I actually heard a commentator from last night say this during the final hours of the race)...keep it movin'!

Yours in (WTH) training,



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