After Wednesday's run, I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about slapping the running clothes on for a bit of pavement pounding, but I sucked it up and did it anyway- 4.2 miles to be exact. True, it's not much, but at least it was something to get me back on track. Furthermore, I was a bit moody yesterday evening and have found that running is the best cure to get over those bad news moods! Just as I knew it would, my run, however brief, cleared my mind and gave me a rush of endorphins that will surely last me for the rest of the day...bring it on world!
Since I started running, I've noticed that I'm more likely than not in a very chipper mood...and my outlook on life and the little annoyances that pop up is even better than it usually is. My head is much more clear. I like myself and everyone around me even more. From sun up to sun down, my days tend to be super productive. I have more energy. I smile a lot more. My body functions like a well oiled machine (j/k...but for real!). The roses smell sweeter. The sun is brighter. The air is fresher. The birds sing louder. The food tastes better....ok...I'm getting a little dramatic...but you (and I) get the point.
They (who ever "they" are) say that "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure". Simply put, I need to run so that I like the world and the world likes me.
A special thanks to my friends and family for continuing to hound me about my running...especially mom and Bakaffa.'s super annoying every time you pressure me to join the Daily Mile...and although I won't do it any time does keep running in the forefront of my mind!
So until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in (still getting my mojo back) training,
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