Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1 year Runniversary!

Hello Dear Reader,

I'm sorry for loving you and leaving you lonely for the past month! To provide you with a little recap:

1) I had a sinus infection from hell for about 2-3 weeks which put me out of commission for a little bit...with the exception of the Wits Half Marathon I completed in 2 hr 23 min on July 31st.

2) Working my behind off at work lately since I've assumed (temporarily) a new role.

3) Thinking about my running career and making a few plans.

Speaking of #3, as I was reflecting, I realized that this up-coming weekend marks the one year anniversary of the beginning of my running career! Woohooooooo!!!! On August 13th, 2010, I started this little blog by announcing that I'd just potentially made the biggest blunder by sending an email out to about 50 or so of my closest friends and family members saying that I was going to run the Publix Georgia Marathon in March 2011. If that was a mistake...what a great mistake to make! Now, a few days away from when it all began a year ago, I've not only accomplished my running goal, but I've also run 6 half marathons, 1 20-miler, and 1 10km race!

I definitely didn't think I'd get this far. Sure, I've certainly had my up hills and down hills with running: I've doubted myself and my abilities, I succumbed to the winter running blues, I've made some awesome friends, I've learned to take 'can't' out of my personal dictionary, I've gained weight, I've lost weight, and I've managed to encourage other people to get off the couch and keep it moving...even when I've stumbled in this area myself!

Now, on the eve of my 1 year runniversary, I want to mark this special day by upping the stakes! This weekend, I plan to run a 15km race on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday!!! YES!!! Furthermore, I plan to ready myself for the Soweto Marathon, which is usually held in November (although the date has yet to be posted)!

So...to help me celebrate this special occasion, howz about we make a deal: Make this weekend about doing something active!!!!! Go out and walk the dog! Walk your children! Run a lap around the park! Go roller skating! Go dancing! Play football/baseball/basketball/tennis/soccer ...you know get creative...get out there...get to it...get active!!!!

An on a sentimental note, a GINORMOUS THANK YOU!!!!!!! Goes out to all of my (new and old) friends, family, and to the love of my life for supporting me this year in all that I've done! Honestly, without your love and support, I wouldn't have been able to get this far without you!!!

So until next time...put one foot in front of the other...and keep it movin'!!!!!

Yours in training,



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