Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pink Fun Run 10km- Breast Cancer Awareness

Hello Dear Reader,

This morning, I participated in the Pink Fun Run 10km in Maseru, which served to raise awareness of breast cancer. The organizers of the event are my friends who run the Comrades Marathon and Two Oceans Marathon in their sleep (swoon). A big CONGRATS go out to the ladies for such a well organized event...with a purpose!

The race route covered the majority of my usual running course through the Maseru city CBD...but in reverse...which added a whole new dimension to my workout. It was cool to run the course, because I new exactly what to expect yet challenged me all at the same time! The downhill parts that I was so used to, suddenly became huge uphills. The uphills I know so well were a welcomed relief. From tomorrow, I plan on running my course in reverse to shake it up a little.

This race was particularly awesome, because I don't think I've ever run a 10km race before and it gave me a chance to keep score on how my time and endurance have improved. To get to the race by start time (6:00 am), I ran to the race venue, which was about a mile (1.6 km) away from my house. Still feeling fresh and full of energy, I was left with some time to goof off with several of my friends (including Doc and his brother). <----you
know we always have fun! Start time, and we were all off! To keep pace with one of my friends who recently started running, I lagged a bit behind and about 15 or 20 people were ahead of me for a while. The competative nature I have...when it comes to (always) beating Dock soon kicked in, however, and I quickly caught up with the leaders of the pack. For the majority of the course, I was in 5th place. The feeling of being so close to #1 stirred something in me...never been so close to the front (and unless I'm running with Doc, don't think I'll have too many of those opportunities again).

Feeling like Rocky Balboa, I pushed through until...duh duh duh duhhhhh...Asthma decided to play a little game with me. On several occasions near the 7km mark, I had to stop to catch my breath. My breathing sounded more like a whistle (not cute) than the breathing of a well seasoned athlete (smirk). Damn the final stretch, I had to stop yet again to catch my breath...allowing one of my friends to beat me...pushing me back to 6th place. I guess 6th place is better than my usual 235879258795th place... Next time, my inhailer will be safely tucked in my little fanny pack...I.Will.Win!!!!!!!!!! An I completed 10km in 53 minutes! Nice!

After the race snack!

I feel pretty freaking awesome about today! Lately, I've been a bit stressed and this personal victory did just the trick to boost my spirits (via that natural running high!)! Tomorrow, with my fully charged running buddies (i.e. Jazzy pink iPod, Garmin and inhailer), I'll be pounding the streets of reverse! ...And although I AM NOT prepared whatsoever for the Soweto Marathon, the goal is to bust it out next weekend! Let's do it!!!

...and if I can do it...I know you can do it to! So get off that couch, Dear Reader! Put one foot in front of the other (cause that's all it takes)...and keep it movin'!

Yours in (are you seriously about to run a marathon next week when you know you're not prepared) training,



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