Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Adventures in X-Training

Hello Dear Reader,

As you know, last week was spent with New (old) Trainer, who is not really into running and more into strength and cross training. He said that running was on my time, shaping my body into a "Spanish guitar" was on his watch. Hahaha (laugh with me)...gotta love it!

Like the teacher of a child with ADHD, he made me face the wall as I completed my various exercises. Too much (staring at) gym hottie, I guess? But what he doesn't know is that by allowing me to feast on all of the 5: 30 am eye candy, I'll guarantee a workout with no complaints and no stopping. Gotta protect my ego after all, right? Hmm...must.bring.this.up.next.week.

Sunday, New (old) Trainer helped me to embrace the gym pool. You remember me telling you about this sure-to-be-misadventure in the last post...the pool completely encircled by elliptical machines, treadmills and stationary bikes...making you, in your swim suit...prime viewing for the next thirty minutes to an hour for some bored fitness freak. Luckily, there were only three people in the gym at 4 pm on a Sunday. Just as they stared at me, I was looking too!

Oh, so according to gym rules and regs, all swimmers must wear swim caps. Me, being the lazy person that I can be, neglected to purchase one and was forced to wear one with a big hole in the top courtesy of the lost and found basket. Can we stop there for a second and say a collective "Eww"?! Ew. Just...eww...(don't judge)!

In my cutesy swim suit, sporting a nasty communal swim cap, I was given an assignment to swim ten laps...free style one way and breast stroke on the way back. Yeah, that was cool for the first three laps. The last seven were spent doing the lazy man's back float with intermittent foot kicks and wing flaps. At one point, New (old) Trainer gave up on me and kept swimming. I had fun though...isn't that what counts the most? (Random factoid...since I'm watching National Geographic Wild...Polar Bears can swim up to 100k without a break...damn...can I get some of that?)

Oh...I bet you're wondering if I managed to get my Sunday long run in since I was playing around in the pool. The answer is yes...although it wasn't so much of a long run as it was just a run. According to the schedule, I was supposed to complete two miles at my fastest pace. This upcoming Sunday, I'm supposed to tackle my longest run yet...6 miles/10k...oh boy!

Monday and this morning were spent with mad-dog trainer. She told me that she hopes I've been eating well and keeping up with my workouts, because this Friday will be another weigh-in. Awe hell....

Well, that's all for now. Until next time...keep it moving (you are off of your respective couches, right?)!

Yours in (good body) training,


P.S. In all of my Ms Goodbody training, Couch Potato #2 has definitely been a bit neglected. I feel bad. He can definitely add the name "Chunky Monkey" to the list. See the picture below for proof. I am committed to getting his big body off the couch too!


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