I'm just trying to be honest here...Sunday's "run" was completly disheartening. It was terrible, in fact. My legs felt like cinder blocks. My shins were so sore that, while walking out the pain, I must have looked like I was literally throwing one foot in front of the other. On top of the physical discomfort, I was so congested that I was breathing through my mouth standing still (not a good look).
Every time I run outside, I wish I was in the gym. You know how there are some singers who only sound great in a recording studio...a "studio star" so to speak? I feel that way about my running...only fanstastical on the treadmill (even when I run at varying inclines). When it comes to the road, that's a totally different story. After my Sunday "long runs", my knees are sore for days, my asthma may or may not act up. Boo! Just...Booooo!
On Sunday, as I was hobbling back home after a terrible run, I had dreams of quitting this whole 30 for 30 business. I thought of things I could say to you, Dear Reader, as to why I was giving up....
Monday morning's alarm came and went without making a move to the gym. This morning, the same thing.
My mother just Skype chatted me saying, "You have too much going for you to let up." Thanks mom. I'm not giving up...and I'm calling in my reinforcements to ensure that I don't give up this early in the game...but I'm just sayin...the journey from the couch to the finish line at the Georgia Marathon is not always a .05 incline.
This morning, after feeling hella sketchy for not making it to my regularly scheduled gym appointment, I sat down on my (very comfy) couch to eat breakfast and watch a lil' gossip tv. What was on, you ask? E!'s "Top 10 Celebrity Beach Bodies". Yes...I just admitted to watching that show! All of the celeb bodies they showed were indeed on point. One thing that kept hitting me like a ton of bricks was the commentary. Everyone reviewing these celeb bodies continued to point out how each one of the "Top 10" worked very hard to get into and maintain their shapes. Yes, you too can find motivation in the most random places.
I need to get back into the gym. I need to get my mind in shape. I need to stay focused.
If you have any tips, words of encouragement, or personal stories to share of your own journey, I'd love to hear 'em!
Yours in (not giving up) training,
Trying to refocus on the end result....
What has never failed to amaze me these past few weeks is your drive and dedication.
When you say congested, I think you mean that you're still a little sick. And honestly, who enjoys running when they are sick and congested? You're human - Superwoman! - but human. :-) The cold will pass faster if you let your body rest - and you'll return to running healthier and much more motivated. Talk to your trainer and work out a revamp on your training plan - taking a few more days from running won't lose you the race, and I promise you'll return to running that much more motivated.
Now, of course I'll kick your ass if you don't get back to running within the next week and half :-) But do the math here: 5-7 days of a cold and great running after if you rest, or 2-3 weeks of a cold and miserable running. Which makes more sense?
And while you're having some chicken soup (secret Jewish Mother's cure-all), plot your thank you speech for when you cross the finish line!
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