Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Legs Love Lunges" Challenge: I ACCEPT!

Hello Dear Reader,

I'm sure that it's been mentioned before, but I'm a runners' blog stalker. At any given moment, at least three dedicated tabs are open on my web browser...blogs and running-related sites (finding motivation anywhere I can!). Today, I happened upon 5 Miles Past Empty and a post entitled "I challenge you...". On August 9th, the blog author challenged readers to do the following:

"Here’s the deal, if you so wish to accept your challenge: Take a photo of your legs, those powerful running legs of yours! Post it on your blog saying that you accepted this challenge. And for the hard part: Do lunges at least 3 times a week from tomorrow, Aug. 10 until Sept 10. It doesn’t have to be a lot of lunges, start with like 10 lunges in your yard and turn around and do 10 back. But see how you can build it up over the course of one month! I want to SEE if I can see a difference in my legs! I am certain I (and you if you join) will feel a difference in the strength, especially in hill running! "

Although the challenge ended almost a month ago...I accept the challenge! Does anyone want to join me? Linesiya? Are you up for a "Legs Love Lunges" Challenge?! Starting tomorrow, and for the next month, I'll be "workin' on my fitness" with lunges. Eek! I'm nervous! To be honest, lunges hurt...they suck...yet they make for beautifully sculpted legs and fanny pack. Oh my, oh my...what's a girl to do? Answer: Lunges!

As soon as we end this conversation of ours, I'm gonna whip out the trusty camera and take pictures (front, back and side views). Until the challenge is complete, I'll be the only one to stare at each bulge and ripple. You'll only get to see the end result! You'll thank me later!

In other fitness-related news, New (old) Trainer recently experienced a loss in his family, so it looks like I'm on my own for this week. Luckily, I have my newly discovered Spin Class to keep me motivated. I plan on running tomorrow morning and, if the spirit moves me, spinning my wheels in the evening.

Also, as an FYI, the idea of hosting a charity 5k & 10k for HIV/AIDS is still on. I've got a great committee going...one member is actually organizing a marathon in December. If you know anything about Lesotho, you'll know that it ain't called "The Mountain Kingdom" for nothing. The race is in the most mountainous district in the whole country...and if that's not enough...maybe the race web link is more illustrative of the degree of difficulty: www.highaltitudemarathon.org.ls. Definitely not for the faint at heart or the weak kneed (cue "Legs Love Lunges Challenge" commercial)! Another committee member suggested that we try our hand at the Half Marathon ...umm...err...uhhh....we'll see!

Well folks, that's all I've got so far! I need to get to picture-taking!

Until next time...one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in (knees love lunges) training,



Anonymous said...

You have to get me in trouble? :-p I ACCEPT! And I accept despite the fact that I'm about to do a long long workout on the elliptical. I'll start the lunges as a cooldown stretch. Don't know about posting photos, though.... I don't even wear shorts....the whole "raised with modest clothing" thing kicks in. But I'll bug you to keep up with your lunges if you do the same to me :-p

Dani said...

Yeah, the whole posting pictures is a maybe for me! Haha! I didn't grow up in a conservative household, but I still have my modesty! Maybe we can keep the pictures between us! Good luck with the challenge! I'm happy you've accepted!

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