Sunday, October 3, 2010

Call me "10.6k" Dani

Hello Dear Reader,

As you know by now, Sundays are reserved for my long runs. Since I did a little backtracking on my training program, in order to build up strength and endurance, I'm now at week 5...or 6 miles (10k).

Having not run much last week planted a seed of doubt regarding my ability to run 6 miles today. I guess that's why I was so anxious about running a few posts ago...could I do it? I mean...I've never run 6 miles in my life. Is my body ready for that type of distance? Will my legs fold up like a picnic table? Well, as someone from the South(ern America) once said, "Ain't nothin' to it, but to do it..."

My game plan was to first tackle a route near my office building which was mapped out a long time ago...approximately 4k. That took me 21 minutes. Next up, hit the treadmill for 6k (interval program, level 2, pace 9.4-9.6). I completed 6.6k in 43 minutes. All of that combined (10.6k) took 64 minutes! Woohoooooooo!!!!

Wow! I can't believe that I actually did it! I feel sooooo good!!! The best part about it was that there was no knee or hip pain, and I wasn't tired during or after the fact. If coaxed, I'm sure that I could have done more. Additionally, it would have been better if the trip wasn't broken up...from outside to the gym.

So, you may be wondering why I broke the trip up in the first place...or better yet, why am I not running outside completely. There are two reasons: 1) In lieu of a pedometer (my iPod will be here next week by the way...yea Nike +!!!), the treadmill allows me to keep track of my distance and time; and 2) Safety, safety, safety! As a single girl running around in spandex pants with headphones on, I am asking to make myself an easy target for all of the would-be weirdos in this town. Guess it's time to find a running partner?

And on a side note, as you may be able to tell, I ended up not going on vaycay as planned. There was a mass exodus at the boarder into South Africa. It literally took me 2 hours of sitting in my car with the windows down, only having moved 1/2k to 1k, to make staying around for the weekend look like a really fun idea. Be that as it may, I'm really geeked to have accomplished my running goal for the week! Next Sunday, I only have to run 3 miles (4.8k...but we'll make it 5k for good measure!).

Dear Reader, I hope that you're enjoying your weekend as much as I am!

Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in training,



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