Friday, October 1, 2010

Finally, a run...and things

Hello Dear Reader,

As this will likely be my last post until Monday, I thought I'd let you in on something I'm pretty proud of. This week at my job, we've had people in from our head office. One of the ladies asked if she could accompany me to the gym...I definitely wasn't planning to go since I'd already been this morning...and I was planning to head out for my vaycay...but alas! She ended up working later than expected, so we ended up going for a workout at about 6:45 pm today.

If you've been reading my posts this week, you've noticed that I have not run once since Sunday. (***Dani hangs head in shame***) The day before yesterday, I was feeling pretty guilty about doing everything but running. Additionally, all of the stored up energy left me a hot mess. Needless to say, running was my priority for this evening's workout. And running...not Spin class...not strength training (ok...there was strength training, but after the fact)...was exactly what I did.

The treadmill was set for 3 minutes of warm-up walking. It was reset for 31 minutes at a 9.6 pace setting on level (intensity) 2. How far did I run in 31 minutes, you ask? 5.3k! Yes, 5.3k in 31 minutes...faster than I've ever run a 5k. Remember when I ran my first 5k over a month ago? It took me 41 minutes on a zero incline and only one hill...that's 10 minutes off of my 5k time! Wow! I feel really good about that! I wasn't even tired during and afterwards. This type of progress makes me feel even better than the 3kg I lost. Remember, my primary goal is progress on my running, not weight loss. Today's 5.3k in 31 minutes clearly illustrates progress. I would love to be in a place where I can run 5k in 20 to 25 minutes. Guess I've got to keep working at it. You'll come along for the run, won't you Dear Reader?

Just think about it, if I would have given up on my workouts (like I have done so many times before) when I was frustrated because of the seemingly lack of progress...or because I had a bad day at work...or because it was just too damn cold outside to be working out...or because it was too damn hot to be working out...or I was too tired and just wanted to sleep in for a change...or I didn't want to expose my out of shape-ness to the world...or...or...or....I know that I wouldn't be feeling as good about myself and my accomplishments as I do now.

It has taken me (what seems like) a while to get to this exact moment...this space that allows me to say "don't worry, it will happen" when I can't muster up the energy to run 30 minutes straight...or the scales and measuring tapes show little to no change. There have been lots of perceived failures in my journey to get tothis point. There have been a lot of broken promises made to myself about getting in shape. Dear Reader, I'm still one baby step away from being pulled back to the couch...but I look at this whole running/lifestyle change/getting my body right-thing as a process that is re-evaluated on a daily basis...every time my alarm clock goes off at 5 am. I have a choice...roll back over and go to sleep...or...proving myself wrong...that I CAN do something that, for so many years, I told myself that I could not do. Dear Reader (FTTE specifically), I'm in no way special. I know that, if I can get this far (with my highs and lows), you can too. Make a commitment to yourself that, with all of your other priorities in life, spending time to take care of you...showing yourself that you can and will do equally important.

Forgive me if I sound a little too Dr. Phil-ish on this post...but this is an emotional ride Dear thanks for coming along with me.

Until I have something else to write...put one foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!
Yours in (I CAN) training,


P.S. On a completely random and (most likely) inappropriate note...what I wouldn't do for a Wendy's cheese burger (#1)!


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