Friday, October 1, 2010

3 kg (appoximately 6 pound) dumbbell

Hello Dear Reader,

I have a little exercise for you to do. Pick up something that weighs about 6 to 7 pounds. If you're using the metric system, pick up something that weighs about 3 kg.

Not that heavy, right? Right! But just think about that 6.6 pounds (3 kg) as fat. I was trying to find a picture of 3 kg worth of fat. The best I could come up with was this picture (5 pounds):

The picture of 5 pounds of fat is not too cute...ew!

Today was my assessment day...time to measure the results (inches & pounds lost) of my daily workouts. Mad-dog trainer used two scales and made me step on each one of them three times each, without looking at the numbers. She even covered my eyes as I got on and off, "Don't cheat!". As she wrote down the numbers, she said, "the scales are lying!" I made sure to tell her (in jest...not really) that if the scales didn't show any positive results, I'm quitting and reclaiming my lost 1.5 hours worth of sleep each morning. Mad-dog Trainer promptly stuck out her hand and said, "congratulations, your hard work is paying off!" I've lost 3 kg (6.6 lbs) worth of fat in the last three weeks...and that's from zero pounds in the first four weeks! Woohoo! Haha...maybe my body is making up for lost time...the current weight loss averages about one pound per week that I've been training.

When I got home, I sent an sms (text message) to my mother, father and my BFF Jami to share in the good news! (***waves to Jami***) I know that 3 kg is not a lot of weight, but it is a big accomplishment for me...perhaps more so than I imagine any future weight loss. I say that because this is the very first time in my life that I've actually done something (intentionally) physical that resulted in weight loss. ***All of this keeping in mind that weight loss has never been a primary focus in the journey.*** Among other things (running longer, increased metabolism, sleeping better, chipper mood, stronger drive), these missing pounds are a result of my "stick to it-ness". In the past two years that I've had the access/financial ability to hit the gym, I'd always quit before I saw/felt any results. Last year, I would have probably stopped three weeks ago when the scale said that nothing had changed. With my strong support base and a shift in focus, from weight loss to performance, I pushed through...and 3 kg later...I'm reaping the benefits (with many more to come)!

Just as I was arriving to work, my dad called to discuss my sms message. One of the first things he asked was, "Are you eating?" I laughed, but appreciated where that question was coming from. He knew that I was a bit bummed by the lack of results a few weeks ago. To answer his question (and possibly yours), absolutely. I eat. ALL. of. the. time! In fact, running/working out has increased my drive to eat. Rarely in thee past 7 weeks have I missed a meal. Snacks have been incorporated into my diet where they were missing before. My favorite snack is an apple with a spoonful of peanut butter. Yummy! Or a small bowl of raisins with bran flakes. I probably snack three to four times a day. Additionally, a bottle of water is glued to my hip (although I can stand to be much more aggressive with hydrating).

I wouldn't even say that my overall diet has changed, but rather I am a lot more "aware" of what I consume than ever before. I am more "present" when making my food choices. For example, I've never really hesitated to eat something sweet when my body expressed a craving. Anyone who knows me knows that I love chocolate...Reese's buttercups to be exact. First of all, they are not available in Lesotho and super scarce in South Africa. Buttercups: 0; Dani: Score! Snickers and peanut M&M's, however, are everywhere. In the past, my first call of action would be to eat a Snickers bar when I wanted something sweet. Trust me, I've definitely not cut that out of my "diet", but more often than not, substitute a Snickers bar for a fruit smoothie or apple w/peanut butter. Small and conscious food decisions that will make a difference in the long run.

No, I am not resting on my laurels...3 kg is a start. My goal has not yet been much farther to go (no pun intended)...but I'm getting there...kilometer by kilometer...pound by pound!

Well, clearly I've been rambling on and on about a mere 3 kg, but I thought I'd share. Hopefully, if you're in my place (wanting to live a healthier lifestyle and need all the help you can get) or have can draw from my experiences (highs and lows) to keep/motivate yourself.

So, my Dear Reader, until next time...keep it movin'!

Yours in (body, mind and soul) training,



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