This Sunday's long run (12k) was a big, fat FAIL. Saturday morning (which is usually my off day) was spent at the gym for a 35 minute run (5.4k) and a bit of core strength training. A Saturday run was essential, because I somehow assumed that Saturday evening/Sunday would be hectic. You see, I, along with a group of friends went to a music festival this weekend. In my world, music= spontaneous and rhythmic dancing for hours! My definition proved correct as I danced the night and early morning away (that's exercise, right)? Sunday afternoon and evening were spent "recovering" from the fun...which also included icing a noticeably swollen left ankle. Umm...I hope this is no more than a day or two setback!
Monday morning, feeling fresh and at the gym with Mad-dog trainer! My poor ankle, however, is still a bit puffy and tad bit sore. Mad-dog said, "I told you to have fun this weekend, but I didn't know you'd take it so far as to hurt yourself!" Oops...but (as long as this is a quick recovery) it was totally worth the madness! Mad-dog said I'd be out all week, but if there is no soreness by this afternoon, I'm going to go for a short run (40 minutes or so?).
Mad-dog, who gave me the side-eye for hurting myself, but a pat on the back for all of the crazy stories, was in the middle of coaching me through three sets of bicep curls when she looked at her phone. 1 message for Mad-dog Trainer...from the King (I live in a Kingdom after all)...will arrive at the gym at 6:30 am. My session ends at 7...Boo! All I have to say is that it must be nice to be King! Just think about it...this morning I did my part to ensure the continued health and well-being of the royal family (err...a little too much?).
Well, Dear Reader, that's all I've got for today. A rather short and (a lil) boring post...just roll with it. I'll keep you posted on the ankle! Also, let me know how you're doing in the "Legs Love Lunges" Challenge.
Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'...
Yours in (ankle recovery) training,
Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'...
Yours in (ankle recovery) training,
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