Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Look! New iPod!

Hello Dear Reader,

It's here! It's here! Call me a "kid in a candy store" and you'll be more than jazzy pink iPod nano is here! Finally, no more driving around the city course mapping! No more guessing what my actual pace is! With a simple plug, click and another click, my running stats will be compiled into a pretty little chart for me (and you) to see! At musical Bible (my 120 GB iPod Classic) will no longer have to endure being shuffled from sweaty arm strap to car to house to everywhere. A little rest for the weary!

Aaand, to commemorate a new era...along with a new iPod comes a new (blog) look!

Isn't she a looker?!!!

In other wheels were a'spinning and my legs were a'lunging this morning!

The best news, however, is that all of this working out/marathon training business is...working out (no pun intended)... in more ways than one! This past weekend, I took a trip to my local blue jeans store and selected a few of the cutest styles in the size I've been wearing for the past couple of years. As I headed back to the dressing room, the sales clerk handed me a smaller size..."it might fit better" she said. Low and behold, the smaller size actually fit! Preferring to believe that Levi's decided to change their size models...I convinced myself that this smaller pants size was just a fluke...until last night! In preparation for my attendance at a formal work function yesterday evening, I pulled out a couple of dresses that I bought right after I moved back home post-Peace Corps...2 years ago. Not thinking they would fit (a girl can try, right?), I was more than pleasantly surprised to find that I could actually zip them up...and not lose circulation in my lower half! Woohoo!!!

Dear Reader, since that's too much excitement for one post already (I really just want to play with my new toy!), I'll leave it there for now!

Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in (Nike + iPod) training,



Anonymous said...

Kudos! :-) I wonder if guys get the same thrill out of old clothes fitting?!
On the subway today I saw ads for the NYC ING Marathon. Turns out it's November 7th here. I was thinking "Dani would say..... but yeah, no way I'm training for a marathon in one month." I have just enough caffeine in my system right now to think it's a fabulous idea. I'm also debating doing lunges right here... in the Sony Plaza.... surrounded by people in business suits. And people wonder why I don't normally drink caffeine.....

Anonymous said...

ps - LOVE the new layout!

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