Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pre/Post-Run Fuel

Hello Dear Reader,

This morning, I was scheduled to run for an hour as part of my new revamped training schedule. Mad-dog trainer set the treadmill to40 minutes and I was off! Twenty minutes later, however, I wanted to get off...the treadmill that is. Running between 9.1k and 9.4k/hr (pace) for 20 minutes just about killed me. My legs were like lead weights. I just felt drained- like I could lay right down on the treadmill, curl up in a fetal position and take a nap. Right before I was tempted to start sucking my thumb and rocking myself to sleep, I stopped the treadmill and walked over to Mad-dog trainer (who looked at me as though I was making it Topless Tuesday or something) and admitted defeat. I.just.couldn' Usually, a refreshing sip of water will motivate me to continue, but nothing would work this time. I was too tired!

After taking a 10 minute break, I marched myself over to the elliptical machine for a25 minute ski session, and wrapped the day up with a 15 minute stationary bike ride (next to the King...I had to pull it together in his presence). As I was walking to the locker room, Mad-dog Trainer's husband (who is a trainer as well) asked me if I poured a bucket of water over myself for full effect. Side-eye. Smile. No.

The level of fatigue I experienced this morning got me to thinking about the importance of pre-run fueling. This morning, as I was walking out of the door, I thought about eating one of the gloriously delicious croissants (found at the petrol station, believe it or not), but alas...nothing to eat. Pre-run/workout meals are so important. As we all know, food is the fuel of life. For runners, food (carbohydrates in particular) give your muscles the energy they need to work hard and keep going mile after mile. Unfortunately, this morning I failed to use that basic information and the result was a terrible run cut short! Boo! Just...Boo!

My virtual running buddy Linesiya must have had food on her mind as well, because she's been looking for advice on post-run/workout food...which is equally important. One of the tips I've garnered through all of my blog/running site stalking is that, for runners, a pre-run carb snack/meal gives you the fuel you need for a good run. A post-run protein snack/meal aids your body in rebuilding the muscles that are damaged in the process.

Having said all of that, I need to commit to eating before a run/workout to prevent the monumental FAIL from today! At least a banana! Do you have any tips for me and Linesiya for a good pre and post-run snack/meal? If so, let me in on your secret!

Luckily, my lunch and constant snacking (apples and peanut nut butter) have me fueled up and ready to go to Spin Class after work (if I can get a bike, that is!).

Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in training,



Anonymous said...

I hate that feeling! I've had runs exactly like that - as much as I wanted to, I just .couldn't. keep going. But you'll have a better run today!
As for food - haha, I'm always thinking about food :-p And yes, I appreciate any suggestions people have to offer!

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