I did it! I did just what I said I was going to do...complete a 10 mile run (with 10 to 15 minutes of walking thrown in)! As you know, my kankle issues left me standing on the sidelines for a few weeks and unfortunately, my running schedule suffered because of it. Lame! With renewed determination, daily runs outside and a regular icing schedule, I set my Sunday long run goal for 10 miles...even though the longest continuous run I've completed is just over 10k!
In my last post, I decided that 10 miles was the lucky number because I want to compete in the Ficksburg Cherry Festival 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) next weekend. Without having at least covered double digit miles, I knew that my chances of successfully completing the race would be slim! So, today was the day for me to step my game up...add 4 more miles to the running roster and hope for the best...and finally get out of the stage where I have to count kilometers! If you remember...or need a reminder...check out the "Metrically Challenged" page on this blog. In (American) running lingo, kilometers are generally used for 5k (3.1 miles) and 10k (6.2 miles) races. Once you get past 10k, the next up is a 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) and a full marathon (26.2 miles). We won't even begin to talk about ultra marathons!
Last night was a particularly late night spent with friends, music, Couch Potato #2, and a good backyard braai (South African for cookout/grilling). The later the evening went, I was left wondering when my run would actually take place. Would I be able to go to sleep late and manage to wake up early enough...before the temperature got too hot and too many people were out in the streets? Fortunately enough for me, the curtains were unable to fully block the sunshine...full daylight by 5:30am...Up and at 'em!
With my running route pre-planned, and a big glass of orange juice with a water chaser, me and my jazzy pink iPod were pounding the pavement at a little after 6 am! Here is a mile-by-mile rundown (no pun intended):
For one reason or another, mile 1 was the most difficult of them all. Perhaps it was because of bad memories...this was the road I was initially using for my Sunday long runs (bad memories: concrete legs, hurt feelings, you name it!). I definitely had to walk a couple of minutes. Once I managed to get past this section of the run, everything was pretty smooth sailing. Mile 2 to 3 was a nice, continuous down hill. Although running down hill sounds nice, it can do a number on your knees! Miles 3-5 were, for the most part, a steady, yet slight incline with a nice little (read: killer) hill thrown in for good measure. Miles 5 through 7 were a mix of down hill, steady incline and one big hill. At mile 6, I stopped for a water break. It was also at this point where the temperature started getting intense (around 7 am) and there would be no shade until just after mile 7. For a good portion of mile 7, I was going uphill, thus a nice walk break. From 7 until mile 10, I was running on flat-ish roads (bearing in mind that there is no true flat road in this entire country). From 10 to 10.4, I ran on a flat road with the finish line at the top of a small hill. From the "finish line", a 1 + kilometer cool down walk got me home.
Whew! I did it! My knees didn't buckle! My ankles didn't swell! My legs sure as hell were tired, but I wasn't exhausted by any means! The entire run (plus a little walking), minus a 10 minute water and bathroom break took me 1 hr and 54 minutes...just over an 11 minute mile. Not bad, I'd say! Hopefully, I'll be able to maintain that pace next weekend when I add 3 more miles to the mix!
When I arrived home, the first thing I did was stretch, stretch, and a little more stretching. Next up- ice packs on my ankles, knees, and on a bruise that has developed on my right thigh. The bruise must be a result of something running-related, because I haven't bumped into anything. After doing a bit of research, I've found that it is common to bruise during intense physical activity. I think that means a strained muscle. The best recommendation: Rest! Ha! The body speaks to its owner is so many ways! Gotta love it!
What's up next? Monday will be spent doing a bit of upper body and core strength training. My legs could definitely use a rest! I only think I'll complete short runs (5k) on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are rest days. Saturday...the big day!
Well, that's all I have for now! Until next time, one foot in front of the other! Keep it movin'!
Yours in (1/2 marathon on Saturday) training,
congrats! I'm starting to running again from tomorrow ;) Wish me luck...
Lots and lots of luck! Are you going to run for the sake of running, or are you preparing for a race?!!! Make sure to keep me posted on how you're doing!
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