Thursday, November 11, 2010

Times have changed!

Dear Reader,

When I first put myself up to this whole "become a runner" business, I lacked the discipline and confidence to run for any meaningful amount of time, and to work out on a regular basis. Committing myself to serious gym time worked for me in the beginning. I felt comfortable at the gym. The treadmill strengthened my confidence, lung capacity and endurance, but it became a crutch. A much needed (emotional) crutch because my "outside" Sunday runs made me feel miserable. A crutch, however, is still a crutch.

Running outside 1) forced me to "go all the way". I couldn't just stop after running 3k and decide I was done and ready to go home; 2) my legs and knees were completely unprepared to meet the challenges of the great out doors- running on hard pavement vs a cushioned treadmill; and 3) left me wondering if, instead of running the ING Georgia Marathon, I could invite a few people to the gym and have them watch me run on a treadmill for a few hours. That would count, right? Sunday runs left me with hurt feelings, aching knees, and dragging legs made of concrete.

Time, Dear Reader, is no longer on my side. No longer do I have 8 months to prepare myself for 26.2 miles. The reality is that I can't teleport a treadmill to the marathon starting line and one will be interested in watching me run on it for 5 hours (but you never know...)...not even if I provide lawn chairs and popcorn. So since I can't do that (I can still dream, right?), it's time to make a change. And thus far, a change I have made. Every morning (except for Wednesday), I've been running through the streets of downtown Maseru. Surprisingly, I am loving every minute of it! Sure, the steep inclines are tough, but when I manage to get to the top of some ginormous hill...I feel like Rocky Balboa when he triumphantly reaches the top step of the Philadelphia art museum! Ok, maybe not that dramatic...but you get the point.

Not once has the thought crossed my mind to turn around and go home. Gone (hopefully) are the days that my knees felt like they had been hit with hammers after running 3k. My thighs and calf muscles are a little sore, but not much! I'm getting there!

Boy! Things have certainly changed...and the change is for the better!

Well, that's all I have for now.

Until next foot in front of the other...keep it movin'!

Yours in (keep it up) training,


P.S. I've already mapped out my Sunday long run...and it is a long one. I'll refrain from letting you in on the distance until it's actually completed. To keep me accountable, I've told Linesiya. On Sunday, I'll tell you! Wish me luck!


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