Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pre-Rapture Run

Hello Dear Reader,

Since the folks are saying that today, May 21st, will be the commencement of the lead up to the days of judgment, fire and brimstone...the Rapture, if you will...I couldn't go up in flames without doing what I said I'd do: RUN MY ASS OFF. So bright and early this morning, I squeezed into my running pants, dusted off my barely used running shoes, prayed that my jazzy pink iPod still worked, and hit the pavement. Let's just say that, even if the mountains don't start falling into the sea and the waters roar and foam as it states in Psalm 46, after 2 months of almost nonexistent running sans the Two Oceans Half, I was in my own personal hell.

Thanks CNN

Whoa, it was almost as if I'd never run before. Oh body o'mine, how quickly we forget how to pace our breathing. Oh lungs, thy capacity hath diminished. Dear legs, doth thou not have thy strength? Oh, Lord Jesus, how I have sinned! Take me now! Oh, sorry...wait a minute, Sweet Baby Jesus...there's still so much running I need to do before I enter your pearly gates (also, I didn't buy travel insurance for my Ethiopian adventure and am afraid that I won't get my money back). So as I patiently wait for your second coming, Dear Lord, I pray that you give me the strength, courage and wisdom to get my a$$ up every morning for the next sixteen weeks (and beyond) so that I can 1) appreciate that "this is the day that the Lord has made" so I can "rejoice and be glad in it" and 2) be in shape for the Vic Falls Marathon in August and the Soweto Marathon in November.

So Dear Reader, it's time that we both get our collective act together and get off the couch...and get moving...because those people I read about on CNN are warning us that our days are, indeed, numbered. Plus, I don't know about you, but I want to be in shape to run away from the flames! And...if the world can keep on turning, I think we should keep on putting one foot in front of the other...and keep it movin'!

Can I get an 'Amen'?!

Yours in (do or die) training,



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